Alex Taran
Freeride, Backcountry, Ski Mountaineer
Alex is a wearer of many hats. From earlier days competing on the Freeskiing World Tour and shooting photos in hopes of becoming “that girl”, you know, the one next to the table of contents in your favorite skiing magazine. To more recent endeavors skiing more obscure lines from Aleutian volcanoes to silly mega shlogs on Patagonian glaciers. Sometimes she even likes to experiment with finding her threshold for altitude sickness in remote areas. She enjoys collecting avalanche and wilderness medical certifications, sometimes using them when she moonlights as a ski guide, avalanche forecaster, or avalanche educator. She is the Founder of the South American Beacon Project, and has spent more time in South American winters than her Chilean street dog.
Fun Facts
El Plomo summit: Alex experimenting with her threshold for altitude sickness
Rainier: Alex believes large masses of ice are cool, and she enjoys skiing with sharp objects.
Alex Taran's Video
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