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1° DEEPER, Episode 1: Artist Travis Parr

Our  1° Deeper series provides an inside look at the people behind Icelantic Skis—Their stories, their passions, and their lives.

Watch Episode 1 for a deeper look into Icelantic Artist, Travis Parr.

Since year 1, Artist Travis Parr has created the original artwork for every one of Icelantic’s top-sheets. As a Co-Founder, Artist, and Art Director for Icelantic Skis, Parr has had the opportunity to help create the artistic story year after year, supporting the dynamic nature of art at Icelantic. Parr’s goal is to create and maintain an environment that support the multiple facets of Icelantic: Community, Lifestyle, and the idea of evolving the human existence through an appreciation for the arts, good business practices and the connection with nature.

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