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Big Booter Building In UT, Highs And Low Highs - Parker Norvell

What's up!
Parker here, this time checking in from Utah. We got here about halfway through February, us being the usual crew (Andrew Mildenberger, Ethan Swadburg, Ben Smith, and myself) as well as the addition of Chance Conaty, another Icelantic athlete, and Gavin Rudy.  I grew up skiing with Chance and it's always sick to have him join in with the crew, it gets me really stoked!
We came here because unlike last winter, there's a lot of snow in Utah this year! Plus this is a great place to build a lot of jumps, something we really wanted to get better about doing this year. The first few days we skied some smaller areas and did some smaller jump builds, just getting a feel for the area and the snowpack. After feeling everything out, we got into building bigger jumps. The first fully sunny day we had, everyone got up early and we went straight to the biggest jump we had built. Everyone went hard, and almost everyone ended up bleeding, including me taking a trip to go get stitched up.
I had to take a few days off while the rest of the crew continued to get after it, but I've been back skiing the past few days, and we've got a lot more jumps lined up to hit. I'm excited to keep getting after it and even more excited to show everyone the final project in the fall!
Follow Parker: @pknorvell
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